Project 1:  Zwischenraum
Project 2: Kids Ahoi
Project 3:  Hoffnungslab
Architectural visualization of a room concept including
/ User Research
/ Prototyping: Model Construction
/ Branding
/ Logo-Design
the Idea
Building a modular space for long breaks or short gaps in a busy student life

Zwischenraum will be located on the university campus and is a bridging space. It creates a 4-story place of retreat in public, where each floor addresses a different need of the students.
It grows from the need to be in company without feeling compelled to engage in social interaction. Due to its modular scaffolding design, the place can be changed in parts and can be adapted to different needs for peace/retreat or openness/socializing. Using this airy building concept, the opportunity to exchange ideas with others remains... if you feel like it. 
  the process
Inviting banner on the scaffolding
Inviting banner on the scaffolding
Visualization of movable, rotating signs
Visualization of movable, rotating signs
Icon ideas
Icon ideas
Signs for directions
Signs for directions
First scaffolding system draft
First scaffolding system draft
the model
Overall View
Overall View
Kinetic Mobile
Kinetic Mobile
Kinetic Mobile
Kinetic Mobile
Seating Area
Seating Area
Rotating Signs
Rotating Signs
The Problems leading to this concept 
Affordable housing will continue to decline. During the research preceding the project, that we did on campus and in student dormitories, we repeatedly came up with three facts: 

There is a lack of personal space. 

Student dorms can't be customized.

Many students feel overstimulated and therefore need a quiet place as a counterpoint.
Concept and draft for the historical Berlin harbor 
/ One week-long group project in WS'23
/ On-Site Research
/ Developing a concept
/ Finding a suitable visual language
/ Logo-Design
HoffnungsLab – (Dein) Space fuer eine zukunftsfaehige Gesellschaft
the concept
"Die Nachrichten sind voll von Katastrophenmeldungen. Die Welt steckt in verschiedenen Krisen. Schon lange habe ich aufgehört, die klassischen Medien zu konsumieren. Überall steht der gleiche Mist, wie unfähig die Welt geworden ist."

Deshalb haben wir uns gefragt: "Wie sähe das Deutschland erste Lab aus, an dem Hoffnung kultiviert wird? In dem du zusammen mit Experten*innen und der Zivilgesellschaft an einer wünschenswerten Zukunft arbeitest? Wie ist ein solcher Ort beschaffen? Wie fühlt er sich an? Wie ist er gestaltet?"​​​​​​​
the process​​​​​​​
the outcome
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